How to search your desire size pictures in Google images: Learn How 2

Posted on: 22 December 2012Posted by

Addbucket » Tech » How to search your desire size pictures in Google images: Learn How 2

Google image is primary search engine to find a picture. But some of you know that Google image search can employ to find particular images with your desire size and resolution.

It was very useful when Google images were offering “search by size” tools to help you search picture by their correct size.

For example, you want wallpaper of “sports car” for your desktop in particular size of your pc’s resolution, normally you search “Sports car” in Google images. But you will gate all different size of wallpaper of sports car and your work will increased to find out correct size of picture from that search.

But still you are able to search your desire size of resolution; just you have to type small command after your search keywords in Google images. In this scenario we type “sports car imagesize:1920x1080” in Google images. As result you will gate all images 1920 x 1080 megapixel size.

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